
"Thanks to @berlinbuzzwords organizers & the excellent volunteers - not only good sessions but many spots to follow up conversations #bbuzz"
- @Ellen_Friedman, June 7, 2016

"Despite the temptations offered by the glorious weather, a large group of Buzzwords attendees once again showed up a day early for the BarCamp. The hot topics, much as with the main conference, were search, containers and machine learning. By drawing on the knowledge of everyone in the room, we had an excellent and educational afternoon learning more on the subjects that mattered most to us all!" 
– Nick Burch, barcamp organizer

"soo much to tell, only 140chars; #bbuzz is, was and will be great! I learned so much and talked with inspiring people."
- @elasticjava, June 6, 2016

"Couldn't get enough of the community feel, awesome content and speakers at #bbuzz, thanks for being great hosts @berlinbuzzwords"
- @yahnoosh, June 7, 2016