Announcing Keynote Speaker Diane Mueller-Klingspor

We’re thrilled to announce one of the the keynote speakers for Berlin Buzzwords 2016: Diane Mueller-Klingspor.

Diane is a long-time Pythonista and Open Source advocate who ran away to university at the young age of 16 to study computer science when it was decidedly an uncool thing to do. She currently works as a Community Lead at Red Hat on their Kubernetes-based container application platform, OpenShift Origin. She is deeply involved in the Maker community, and is the founder of GetMakered Labs, a mobile makerspace collaboration to inspire and encourage kids of all ages to connect with new technologies.  

In her keynote “Inspiring the Next Generation to Run Away and Join Our Software Circus”  she describes how we can all create magical experiences that inspire and connect under-represented communities to new technologies. Producing sufficient numbers of graduates who are prepared for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations has become a national priority around the globe. We all have a responsibility to onboard, attract and enroll new entrants to STEM if you care about the future of open innovation. In this keynote, she will discuss how to combine connected learning principles to create and deliver new technology workshops to inspire and encourage under-represented and under-served communities.