Hackathons & workshops for #bbuzz 2015

After our 2-days conference, Berlin Buzzwords features every year an open series of hackathons & workshops to strengthen the platform for developers, analysts and scientists who are involved in large scale computing projects. We are looking for hosts, idea contributors and space for our annual events.

Berlin Buzzwords workshops and hackathons are about connecting local groups, organizations, companies and attendees. We run our events around the conference with different local organizers and with the help of (experienced) volunteers in different locations every year.

Why organizing a hackathon or workshop?

You want to establish your local group or company, be a community mobilizer and build relationships which last long after the event. Hackathons and workshops are community driven events and can play an important role to found a stable network. #bbuzz events offer a forum to meet, discuss, connect and inspire attendees in a collaborative, participative and open atmosphere.

Create an event!

Besides the people responsible for the venue and setting, it’s important to have people that are in charge of the idea and program of the hackathon. Topics of interest include everything related to scalable search, data-analysis in the cloud and NoSQL-databases. Our attendees are working in different enterprises with different technologies, e.g. Elasticsearch, Hadoop etc., all united in the Apache and Open Source structure.

You have some great ideas? For example a hands-on hackathon, a training or some beginner friendly or advanced technical discussions. Create an agenda and get in contact with us.

Support #bbuzz, we support you

All #bbuzz events are free!
You have already a complete event planned with an idea, room and you've got your team?
Are you are interested in providing space for a hackathon or workshop?
You have an idea and a team, but no room? – We are happy to connect you with our partners.

In all cases, get in contact with us, we're happy to promote your event. Write an email to partner [at] berlinbuzzwords.de.

photo: Thomas Wegner (flickr) CC-BY-SA 2.0