Listen up to the Open Stage Talk “Understanding What’s Important” by Grant Ingersoll

Grant likes to step up on stage, especially during Berlin Buzzwords. The developer, engineer and co-founder of Lucidworks will not only give a talk on June 1, which you can find here, but you will also find him holding another talk at the Open Space at Stage 4 a day later, on Saturday, June 2, at 3:20pm. Grant will ask the question of how do we really determine what's important DATA? Tackling ‘the philosophy of big data’, he will enlighten us about challenges that come with having a lot of it - which data matters in terms of working effectively? Is more always better?
As he picks up those core questions, Grant tells us about more effective ways of developing and processing of data on both sides, be it creator or consumer.

photo: CC-BY-SA by Thomas Wegner