Open Call for Hackathons, workshops & meet-ups at Berlin Buzzwords 2016

Before and after the two days of conference, Berlin Buzzwords features every year an open series of free hackathons, workshops & meet-ups to strengthen the platform for developers, engineers, IT architects, analysts, data scientists and for an intense and focused insight into their favorite topics. We are looking for hosts and idea contributors for our annual events!

Why organizing a hackathon, workshop or meet-up?
You want to establish your local group or company, be a community mobilizer and build relationships which last long after the event. Hackathons, workshops and meet-ups are community driven events and can play an important role to found a stable network. #bbuzz events offer a forum to meet, discuss, connect and inspire attendees in a collaborative, participative and open atmosphere.

Areas of interest

  • Apache Flink
  • Hadoop
  • Spark
  • Elasticsearch
  • and many more

Become part of Berlin Buzzwords 2016!

You already have a complete event planned with an idea, room and you've got your team?
You are interested in providing space for a hackathon or workshop?
You have an idea and a team, but no room? – We are happy to connect you with our partners.

In all cases, get in contact with us, we're happy to promote your event. Write an email to info [at]

Photo: CC BY 2.0 by Gregor Fischer