Speakers at #bbuzz 2015 – #1

Every week we are introducing new speakers which will be on stage at #bbuzz 2015. Thanks to our program committee we can present part of our new eclectic program. Presentations range from beginner friendly introductions on hot data analysis topics to in-depth technical presentations about scalable architectures. The conference presents more than 50 talks by international speakers specific to the three tags "search", "store" and "scale".

Ellen Friedman
Scale - 20 min
Talk the Talk: How to Communicate with the Non-Coder

Ellen Friedman is a solutions consultant, speaker and author, currently writing mainly about big data topics. She is a committer to the Apache Mahout project and a contributor to the Apache Drill project.

Describing technical work in non-technical terms does not mean “dumbing it down”. Much to the contrary, it means having sufficiently clear conceptual understanding of your own work and communicating it them to people with a wide range of different background expertise. This talk will examine concrete steps to take to learn how to best communicate the strength of your work to other groups and best conceptualize your own roadmap.
Twitter personal account @Ellen_Friedman
Twitter Apache Mahout project
Twitter Apache Drill project

Andrew Psaltis
Scale - 40 min
Going deep with Spark Streaming

Andrew Psaltis is deeply entrenched in Streaming Data, Big Data Analytics and obsessed with delivering insight at the speed of thought. As the author of Streaming Data (http://manning.com/psaltis/) by Manning he spends most of his waking hours thinking about, writing about, and building streaming systems. Currently, he is the Lead Architect at Ensighten.

Andrew will peel back the covers and take a deep dive into the inner workings of Spark Streaming; discussing topics such as DStreams, input and output operations, transformations, and fault tolerance. After this talk you will be ready to take on the world of stream processing using Apache Spark.

Andrew on Twitter
Andrew Psaltis at #bbuzz 2014 on „Real-time Map Reduce: Exploring Clickstream Analytics with Spark Streaming, Kafka and WebSockets

Boaz Leskes
Scale - 40 min
Desiging Concurrent Distrubted Sequence Numbers for Elasticsearch

Based in Amsterdam, Boaz Leskes background is diverse, ranging from C++ to C#, Python and Java and sometimes even Javascript. He's an Elasticsearch core developer, lead developer of Elasticsearch Marvel. He's a fan of faceting, Lucene, monitoring and search.

His talk will take the audience through the journey of designing distributed systems, starting by explaining the requirements; following the evaluations of solutions based on existing consensus algorithms, like ZooKeeper's ZAB and Raft. Leskes will discuss some alternate approaches, and close with an own proposed solution.

Boaz on Twitter
Boaz Leskes at #bbuzz 2014 on "Staying ahead of Users & Time - two use cases of scaling data with Elasticsearch"