Speakers at #bbuzz 2015 – #4

Every week we are introducing new speakers which will be on stage at #bbuzz 2015. Thanks to our program committee we can present part of our new eclectic program. Presentations range from beginner friendly introductions on hot data analysis topics to in-depth technical presentations about scalable architectures. The conference presents more than 50 talks by international speakers specific to the three tags "search", "store" and "scale".

Predictive Insights for IT Operations

Omer Trajman
Search – 20min

Omer brings fifteen years of front-line business and technical experience to Berlin Buzzwords. He most recently served as Vice President of Field Operations at WibiData, building the sales and marketing teams and previously was VP of Technology Solutions at Cloudera, focusing on technology strategy and communication.

Domains such as financial trading, advertising and marketing have been fertile breeding grounds for cutting edge data-driven applications. Yet the systems that power these services are still running on decades old technology. In Omers talk we will explore the application of machine learning in the domain of IT operations. In the datacenter there are thousands of sources of event data. By modeling the datacenter as a source of multiple data streams, we can apply techniques from other domains, modified to address the environments that now power much of  our economy.

Data Challenges with 3D Computer Vision

Martin Scholl & Eugen Funk
Search – 20min

Martin maintained the billing system for a leading TelCo, wrote Linux kernel drivers, a distributed database, and lately data deduplication and data transport software. He is founder and managing director of Infinipool.
Eugen is a research associate at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Berlin. He is working in simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) from stereo cameras and 3D computer vision. 

Automated 3D modelling from optical sensors became inevitable since this enables to replace the time consuming manual 3D modelling process. However, optical sensors deliver an extremely high amount of data which is required to be processed to information. An 8 bit stereo system with 9MPx colour images delivers 4GB of data per second. Being able to make sense out of this enormous flow of data is a huge and ongoing research and development task. In their talk Eugen and Martin will give an overview of the challenges which naturally involve efficient search, storage and scalable algorithms for information extraction from 3D data. Also an overview of practical implications on 3D reconstruction of cities, autonomous driving in public and industrial facilities, or inspection and monitoring as part of security strategies will be presented.