Speakers at #bbuzz 2015 – #5

Every week we are introducing new speakers which will be on stage at #bbuzz 2015. Thanks to our program committee we can present part of our new eclectic program. Presentations range from beginner friendly introductions on hot data analysis topics to in-depth technical presentations about scalable architectures. The conference presents more than 50 talks by international speakers specific to the three tags "search", "store" and "scale".

"What's in the news?“ - or: why Angela Merkel is not significant

Andrej Rosenheinrich
Search – 20min

Andrej studied computer science at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena and University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS, USA. Since 2010  he is a Java developer in the Research and Development department at Unister in Leipzig, mainly working on classic fulltext search and everything related to elasticsearch.

Watching hundreds of news sources, Bluekiwi.de, Unister's meta search engine, collects thousands of news every day - far too many to read or present concisely. So the question becomes how to aggregate, summarize and present the important news of the day.Andrej will present some strategies they use at Unister to aggregate news, figure out what is important and not just common, and what techniques can be used to come up with descriptive teasers.

Diving into Elasticsearch Discovery

Shikhar Bhushan
Search – 20min

Shikhar works on Search Infrastructure at Etsy, the global handmade and vintage marketplace. He has developed a popular SSH library for Java and a discovery plugin for Elasticsearch. Shikhar has a special interest in JVM technology and distributed systems.

Elasticsearch users will be familiar with Zen discovery. The Elasticsearch 'discovery' module actually encompasses a number of things - node discovery, master election, cluster state publishing, failure detection and handling. In his talk Shikhar will discuss implications of this model for Elasticsearch as a distributed system, drawing upon his experience building eskka, an Akka-cluster based discovery plugin.

An introduction to Apache Kylin - Business Intelligence meets Big Data

Fabian Wilckens
Search – 20min

Fabian works at MapR as a Solutions Architect in EMEA and helps enterprise companies with their data problems and with the adoption of open source technologies. Fabian has spent many years in enterprise software companies in both pre- and post-sales roles and was the responsible architect for the most advanced speech recognition platform in Germany.

Apache Kylin is an open source distributed analytics engine that provides a SQL-interface and multi-dimensional analysis for online analytical processing. In his session Fabian will provide an overview about Apache Kylin, how it works, what it does and will give an introduction to Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), how Business Intelligence works and how Kylin and Hadoop can help in analyzing extremely large datasets.